Comparative Safety Evaluation of Boma and Chemical Immobilization Techniques Applied for Translocation of Spotted Deer (Axis axis)
Boma and Chemical Immobilization for Translocating Spotted Deer
Translocation, Boma, Spotted Deer, Capture Myopathy, Chemical RestraintAbstract
The translocation of wild ungulates poses significant stress to the animal species being transported, necessitating careful consideration. Chemical restraint helps to reduce the stress levels significantly by minimizing the mobility of the animals. Capture myopathy, a leading cause of mortality during chemical immobilization, is a critical concern. However, the Boma method offers a promising alternative to the conventionally used translocation methods. Objective: To compare the survival outcomes of the spotted deer captured and transported using both chemical restraint and the Boma method, therefore assessing their respective effectiveness. Methods: In the study, we used 22 spotted deer for chemical restraint method and 30 spotted deer were captured through Boma method and both of techniques were assessed, how capture methods influenced the fatality rate of the highly sensitive spotted deer which were being trans-located from Safari Zoo, Lahore to other captive sites of Punjab Pakistan. Results: The exceptional record of zero mortality in the Boma procedure was seen as compared to the chemical immobilization in which 31% of the total shifted animals were expired. The pathognomic white streaked/pale muscles in necropsy findings of dead animals later on confirmed the dead due to capture myopathy. Conclusions: The study established the finding that Boma technique is safer technique for trans-location of ungulates especially spotted deer as compared to the chemical immobilization.
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