Economic Importance of Backyard Poultry in Taluka Jhando Mari, District Tando Allahyar, Sindh
Importance of Backyard Poultry in Taluka Jhando Mari
Backyard Poultry, Gross Income, Net RevenueAbstract
Present study was carried out to observe the economic importance of backyard poultry birds in rural areas of Taluka Jhando Mari district Tando Allahyar during the 2022. Objective: To determine the profitability of backyard poultry production in rural areas of Tando Allahyar. Methods: Our study was divided into two different parts (i) primary and (ii) secondary part. Primary category was based on collection of data by interview from respondents by filling questionnaire. Results: The results revealed that 70% of household poultry kept by female and 30% were males. The cost function was estimated using the OLS method. The model of study suggested that price of egg and price of per bird were recorded statistically significant whereas per bird cost was observed non-significant statistically. It was concluded that high egg producing poultry breeds such RIR, Playmouth, White leghorn must be raised in order to increase the production of household backyard poultry birds. Conclusions: It is also concluded that improvement in rural poultry germplasm will be highly effective in rural poultry production system in future and will be major business for completing the food security and nutritional diet in middle class population of our country. Government of Sindh should also encourage private sector poultry by providing loan and poultry feed on cheapest prices to improve the production of backyard poultry farmers and their livelihood.
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