New suid remains of genus Propotamochoerus from the Siwaliks of Pakistan
Suid remains of genus Propotamochoerus
Siwaliks of Pakistan are highly fossiliferous and are well-known worldwide for vertebrate fossil excavations. Objective: A field survey was conducted to recover some new fossils from different geological formations visible around the village Hasnot of district Jhelum. Methods: The targeted area was surveyed, and the different formations around the village were keenly examined by the naked eye or by using a magnifying glass when and where needed. Results: New dental remains of the genus Propotamochoerus (Mammalia, Suidae) have been found and described from the Middle Miocene Siwalik beds around Hasnot. The material consists of an isolated tooth, the left third mandibular molar. The genus Propotamochoerus was comprised of small to large-sized suids. Its remains were reported from the Lower to the Middle Siwaliks. The presently described material, i.e., a lower third molar of the left side, sheds a great deal of light on the fundamental dental characteristics of this genus. Conclusions: The recovered material is assigned to the species Propotamochoerus salinus (Pilgrim) based on its morphological assessment. This material can potentially enhance the prevalent knowledge of the species reported from the surroundings of the Salt Range of the Siwaliks of Pakistan.
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