Body Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Carps under the Influence of Ammonium Nitrate and Feed Supplementation
Body composition and fatty acid profile of carps
Carps, Body Composition, Fatty Acid Profile, Maize Gluten, Ammonium NitrateAbstract
Aquaculture plays a significant role in the food requirements of an increasing population. Fertilization, composition of diet and its feeding rates affect the fish meat quality. Objectives: To observe the body composition and fatty acid profile of carps towards rice polish and maize gluten supplementation in ammonium nitrate fertilized ponds. Methods: Two earthen ponds containing total 55 fishes were selected with each pond stocked with Rohu (Labeo rohita), Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and Mori (Cirrhinus mrigala) at the final ratio of 2:1:1 respectively. Ammonium nitrate and rice polish was the feed in pond 1 while ammonium nitrate and maize gluten were the feed in pond 2. Results: Proximate analysis of fish meat samples showed that Labeo rohita showed maximum moisture contents in P1 (78.51%) and minimum in P2 (77.27%) in Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Maximum crude protein was recorded as (17.93%) in L. rohita, under P2 whereas minimum crude protein was observed in P1 (16.81%) in L. rohita. C. mrigala remained well-known with minimum fat contents (1.71%) in P2 but maximum (1.96) in Labeo rohita in P2. H. molitrix gave the major ash contents of (1.85%) in P1 as compared to other experimental fish species. Highest position of carbohydrate contents in P1 was occupied by H. molitrix. The most abundant fatty acids recovered were monounsaturated fatty acids (37%) followed by polyunsaturated fatty acids (33%) and saturated fatty acids (29%). Conclusions: The body composition and fatty acid profile of carps varies depending upon their diet and feeding rate.
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