Investigation of Zoonotic Cestode (Hymenolepididae: Cyclophyllidea) from Rodents in Suburban Hyderabad: Prevalence and Public Health Risk
Zoonotic Cestode (Hymenolepididae: Cyclophyllidea): Prevalence and Public Health
Prevalence, Zoonotic Disease, Rats, MiceAbstract
The Rats and mice are well-known vectors of ecto and endo parasites and have zoonotic and veterinary importance. Objectives: To study two Hymenolepididae species in sub-urban rodents: Rattus rattus and Mus musculus and to analyse the elements contributing to their occurrence in the environment and causing sanitary risks and to evaluate the prevalence, mean, and abundance. Methods: 40 samples were collected including 21 rats and 19 mice captured from sub-urban areas of Hyderabad. Prevalence means and abundance was recorded with the help of Quantitative Parasitology-version 3.0. Morphological characters were studied using line diagrams and photographs of this cestode. Identification of cestode was done with key books and recent research papers. Results: Morphological analysis of hosts i-e Rattus rattus and Mus. musculus revealed that two cestode species (Hymenolepis diminuta, H. nana) were found in the sub-urban localities of the Hyderabad district. These localities are mostly under development, lack freshwater facilities, and have sanitary risks. This cestode is found in the small intestine. Morphometric studies were conducted on both species: H. nana and H. diminuta. Statistical value: Prevalence, mean, abundance, and mean intensity were calculated, also observed host species correlation with sex, localities, and season. Conclusions: It was concluded that cestode parasites have public health importance. Studies provide valuable data to local and provincial organizations and also help in the diagnosis of zoonotic diseases. This study also provides references to minimize the rodent population, especially in suburban areas where the sewage system is poor and zoonotic diseases are common.
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